Publications OK SMART LAB

기계적 롤링을 통한 수직배향 나노구조의 다용도 박막 프레임워크 변환 (Structural Formulation of As-grown Vertically Aligned Nanostructures to Multifunctional Thin-Film Frameworks through Controlled Mechanical Rolling)
Tae Jun Park, Seok Min Choi, Do Kyung Youn, Seungjo Lee, Jaekyu Park, Jae Hyuk Lee, Jeong Dae Kim, Han Kil Lee, Jong G. Ok
한국생산제조학회지 (Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers)
Vol. (No.), pp. (Year)
25 (4), 266-270 (Aug 2016).
We present a useful and practical manufacturing technique that enables the structural conversion of delicate as-grown nanostructures to more beneficial and robust thin-film frameworks through controlled mechanical rolling. Functional nanostructures such as carbon nanotubes grown through chemical vapor deposition in a vertically aligned and very loosely packed manner, and thus difficult to manipulate for subsequent uses, can be prepared in an array of thin blades by patterning the growth catalyst layer. They can then be toppled as dominos through precisely controlled mechanical rolling. The nanostructures formulated to horizontally aligned thin films are much more favorable for device applications typically based on thin-film configuration. The proposed technique may broaden the functionality and applicability of as-grown nanostructures by converting them into thin-film frameworks that are easier to handle and more durable and favorable for fabricating thin-film devices for electronics, sensors, and other applications.