Publications OK SMART LAB

Analysis of Nanoparticle-Embedded-Resin Printing Conditions for High-Aspect-Ratio Metasurfaces
Dong Kyo Oh, Nara Jeon, Jong G. Ok, Junsuk Rho
유연인쇄전자학술지 (Journal of Flexible and Printed Electronics)
Vol. (No.), pp. (Year)
2 (1), 97-105 (Jun 2023).
Metasurfaces, composed of periodic nanostructures, have been attractive because of their extraordinary modulation of light propagation. However, conventional electron-beam lithography to fabricate metasurfaces is time-consuming and costly, which prevents commercialization of functional metasurfaces. We investigate nanoimprint lithography-based technique for single-step fabrication of metasurfaces. A high-refractive-index material is granulated and mixed with nanoimprint resin. This mixture results in higher effective refractive index, and thus can be utilized to directly fabricate metasurfaces. Besides, diverse processing conditions are investigated such as swelling effect for the successful replication of high-aspect-ratio nanostructures. Finally, we verify the optimized nanoparticle-embedded resin printing process through the replication of metasurfaces with various dimensions and an optimal design.